Ira Schryvers: New Single 'She'


Ira Schryvers She


“Keep every dream just out of reach, nothing or everything / She shuffles her feet, talks in her sleep, scared that it’s all ending”

Exquisite in its haunting simplicity, debut single “She” by nascent Auckland-based folk artist Ira Schryvers (Maria Schryvers) is one that will give you goosebumps and make you hit the replay button as soon as it ends. With echoes of the likes of Phoebe Bridgers and rising international act Karen Peris, Maria has an intriguing voice that holds both an ache and complementing reassurance in its sweet, emotive wistfulness. Recently part of Parachute Music’s Artist Development Programme, Maria wrote “She” as part of the 2020 Parachute Song Week alongside industry veteran Nic Manders and fellow Development Programme participant Harry Charles.

With lyrics lightly veiled in obscurity, the spacious production treatment of “She” allows the unassuming delicacy of Maria’s vocals to be showcased in their depth of warmth and clarity. There is a purity in the song’s uncontrived nature, and this makes it especially compelling: it’s heartfelt, mysterious, and sincere in a way that quietly resonates. The most profound impact is often hidden in the simplest of things - breathing in fresh country air, or walking along the seashore at dusk - and “She” taps effortlessly into that vein in its gently-woven tapestry of soft, layered vocals, and its minimal, impeccably-crafted instrumentation.

Growing up in a big musical family, Maria has been writing folk-style songs since she was a child, constantly inspired by the beauty of her Aotearoa back yard. In her own words, she says her music “…is inspired by my own journey as an artist and has been drawn from past experiences and memories, the beauty and meaning of the natural world as well as intimate musings that ask questions about belonging, beliefs and identity.” This amalgam of elements takes shape in “She” in its mysterious depth and the way it dances between a sense of deep longing and the hope for fulfilment.

Listen to “She” below.

Find Ira Schryvers on Instagram | Facebook | Spotify


Katie Brown

Founder and Editor of The May Magazine.


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